Tag Archives: Internet slang


Use Square and Cloud Google to ease the pain of legal battles

Sept. 2, 2023 /Legal/ — Here is how we use Square and Cloud Google to ease the pain of legal battles:

You can use Square to accept payments for legal services. This can make it easier for clients to pay for your services, and it can also help you to track your income and expenses.
You can use Cloud Google to store and manage your legal documents. This can help you to keep your documents organized and secure. Continue reading


When what you type doesn’t mean the same thing to the (older) person you’re texting or tweeting

Daniel Bürkle, University of Central Lancashire

On a day-to-day level, the way we interact with the people around us is shaped by our expectations, which are rooted in our experience. Most adults experience more regular and intensive contact with adults of roughly the same age as them. It is no surprise then – as a cursory glance at any multigenerational Twitter row over the past decade clearly demonstrates – that our expectations tend to be skewed towards how our own age group expresses themselves.

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