Tag Archives: Labour law


Is this a carrot and stick?

Oct. 2, 2023 /Economy/ — The UK Chancellor’s decision to raise the minimum wage and impose sanctions on people claiming state benefits who refuse to take available jobs can be seen as a carrot and stick approach.

The carrot is the increase in the minimum wage. This will give low-paid workers more money to spend, which will boost the economy and help people to afford basic necessities. The stick is the sanctions that will be imposed on people who refuse to take available jobs. These sanctions could include a reduction in benefits, or even a complete loss of benefits. Continue reading


Workplace romance: four questions to ask yourself before dating someone from the office

Chantal Gautier, University of Westminster

In the digital age, online dating and swiping right are the status quo for romance. Practically gone are the days of meeting “the one” in a pub. But what about flirting by the water cooler or over Zoom? The consensual office relationship has been both a romance trope and a taboo for decades.

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Workers’ rights: how a landmark UN decision on safety and health will actually affect employees

Huw Thomas, University of Bristol

In what has been called the “biggest moment for workers’ rights in a quarter of a century”, the International Labour Organization (ILO) adopted a safe and healthy work environment as one of its five fundamental principles and rights at work for all at its June 2022 international conference. This is the first extension of workers’ human rights in almost 25 years and it means governments must now commit to respect and promote the right to a safe and healthy working environment.

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