Black Jesus

There are a few movies about Jesus that have been made by black filmmakers. One of the most famous is “Color of the Cross” (2006), which tells the story of Jesus’s crucifixion from the perspective of a black man. The film was directed by Chris Stokes and stars Stephen Baldwin as Jesus. Another notable film is “Black Jesus” (2014-2015), a comedy series created by Aaron McGruder that imagines Jesus as a modern-day black man living in Compton, California. The series stars Gerald McRaney as Jesus.

These films offer a unique perspective on the life and teachings of Jesus. They challenge traditional depictions of Jesus as a white man, and they offer a more inclusive and diverse view of Christianity. They are also a valuable resource for black Christians, who can see themselves reflected in the stories of Jesus and his disciples.

Here are some more details about each of these films:

  • Color of the Cross (2006): This film tells the story of Jesus’s crucifixion from the perspective of a black man. The film was directed by Chris Stokes and stars Stephen Baldwin as Jesus. The film was controversial upon its release, but it has since become a cult classic.
  • Black Jesus (2014-2015): This comedy series imagines Jesus as a modern-day black man living in Compton, California. The series was created by Aaron McGruder, who previously created the animated series “The Boondocks.” The series stars Gerald McRaney as Jesus. The series was praised for its humor and its positive portrayal of black culture.

I hope this helps!

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