Tag Archives: Brussels


May infringements package: key decisions

This excerpt describes a regular enforcement action by the European Commission.
Location: Brussels, Belgium (headquarters of the European Commission)
Date: May 23, 2024
Source: PR Newswire Policy (likely a press release)
Action: The European Commission is taking legal action against member states of the EU.
The reason for the legal action is that some member states are not following EU laws as they should be. The goal is to make sure EU laws are applied correctly so both citizens and businesses benefit.

EU law covers many areas, so the specific infringements (areas where the law isn’t being followed) aren’t mentioned in this excerpt. Continue reading


Is israel a rogue nation?

BRUSSELS, 31 March 2024 /Mpelembe News/ —

Critics point to Israel’s continued settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories, which are seen as violating UN resolutions UN Security Council Resolutions on Israel and the Palestinian territories

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Uncovering the secret religious and spiritual lives of sex workers

Daisy Matthews, Nottingham Trent University and Jane Pilcher, Nottingham Trent University

Tanya* is telling me just how important her Methodist Christianity is to her. We’re chatting over a video call, and I can see Tanya’s living room in the background. This also happens to be her workspace because Tanya, who is 50, is a full-time phone and cam sex worker. For Tanya, earning her living through sex work does not conflict with her religious beliefs at all. Tanya tells me that she had a client who talked to her about his enjoyment of wearing women’s clothing. He confided in her because they both shared the same religious identity.

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