Tag Archives: Currency

Wirex and Visa Expand Partnership to Drive Web3 Payment Adoption

Wirex, the leading Web3 money app, and Visa, a world leader in digital payments, are thrilled to announce a partnership to further the use of digital currencies in the UK and the European Economic Area (EEA). Read more


Reasons why Purchasing-power parity is a better metric for comparing people’s well-being than Exchange rates

April 17, 2023 /Economy/ — Purchasing-power parity (PPP) is a measure of the value of different currencies, taking into account the cost of living in different countries. It is often used to compare the standard of living in different countries.

Exchange rates, on the other hand, are the prices of one currency in terms of another. They are determined by supply and demand in the foreign exchange market.

There are a few reasons why PPP is a better metric for comparing people’s well-being than exchange rates. Continue reading


Future of the dollar, as oil deals are increasingly done in other currencies

April 17, 2023 /Economy/ — The future of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency is uncertain. The dollar has been the world’s reserve currency for over 70 years, but there is a growing trend of countries using other currencies for oil deals. This trend is being driven by a number of factors, including the rise of China and other emerging economies, the increasing volatility of the dollar, and the desire of some countries to reduce their reliance on the United States.
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