Tag Archives: Natural language parsing


ChatGPT struggles with Wordle puzzles, which says a lot about how it works

Michael G. Madden, University of Galway

The AI chatbot known as ChatGPT, developed by the company OpenAI, has caught the public’s attention and imagination. Some applications of the technology are truly impressive, such as its ability to summarise complex topics or to engage in long conversations.

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Bard, Bing and Baidu: how big tech’s AI race will transform search – and all of computing

Toby Walsh, UNSW Sydney

Today, if you want to find a good moving company, you might ask your favourite search engine – Google, Bing, or DuckDuckGo perhaps – for some advice.

After wading past half a page of adverts, you get a load of links to articles on moving companies. You click on one of the links and finally read about how to pick a good ’un. But not for much longer.

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