Tag Archives: Open-source intelligence


1.2 Million More Homes in England Will Be at Risk of Subsidence by 2050

Analysis of British Geological Survey data from LexisNexis® Risk Solutions, the data, advanced analytics and technology provider to the insurance market, reveals that with the current climate trajectory, approximately 1.2 million more homes in England are at risk of subsidence issues by 2050ii. This is a 27% increase to the estimated 4.5 million households already at subsidence risk today. Continue reading


2022 wasn’t the year of Cleopatra – so why was she the most viewed page on Wikipedia?

Taha Yasseri, University College Dublin

At the end of every year, I gather statistics on the most viewed Wikipedia articles of the year. This helps me, a computational social scientist, understand what topics captured the most attention and gives me a chance to reflect on the major public events of the year. I try to use data to determine how the public (and more specifically here, English-language Wikipedia readers) will collectively remember the past year.

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