The final report of the Infected Blood Inquiry

May 20, 2024 /Health/ — p class=”first-token” data-sourcepos=”1:1-1:23″>The final report of the Infected Blood Inquiry is not available yet, though there have been two interim reports published (

Here’s a summary of what is known about the scandal and the inquiry so far:

  • Thousands of people in the UK were infected with Hepatitis C and HIV through contaminated blood products in the 1970s and 1980s, particularly those with hemophilia who required blood clotting treatments.
  • The contaminated blood came from the United States, where plasma donations were obtained from high-risk groups like prisoners and drug users.
  • The inquiry found that there were missed opportunities to prevent the spread of the infections and that those affected were not adequately informed of the risks.

The final report is expected to provide a more comprehensive account of the events and make recommendations for ensuring such a tragedy never happens again.

Here are some resources where you can find more information: