How bartenders get revenge on bad tippers

Bartenders are often underpaid, and they rely on tips to make a living. When customers do not tip well, it can be frustrating for bartenders. Some bartenders may take revenge on bad tippers by doing things like:

  • Giving them slow service
  • Making their drinks incorrectly
  • Overcharging them for drinks
  • Giving them dirty glasses
  • Not being friendly or welcoming

In some cases, bartenders may even refuse to serve bad tippers. However, it is important to note that revenge is not always the best course of action. It is important to remember that bad tippers are not always bad people. They may simply be unaware of the impact that their tipping habits have on bartenders. If you are a bartender and you are dealing with a bad tipper, it is best to try to remain professional and polite. You may also want to consider talking to the customer about their tipping habits. If they are unaware of the impact that they are having, they may be more likely to tip better in the future.

Here are some additional tips for dealing with bad tippers:

  • Don’t take it personally. Bad tippers are not always bad people. They may simply be unaware of the impact that their tipping habits have on bartenders.
  • Stay professional. Even if you are dealing with a bad tipper, it is important to remain professional and polite.
  • Don’t be afraid to speak up. If you are dealing with a bad tipper, you may want to consider talking to them about their tipping habits.
  • Remember that you are not alone. Many bartenders have to deal with bad tippers. There are resources available to help you deal with these situations.

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