
Newsweek and BrandSpark International announce the 2024, 100% consumer-voted Most Trusted consumer product, retail, and services brands in the UK as voted by UK shoppers

Market research and consulting firm BrandSpark International, in partnership with iconic media brand Newsweek, has released its 2nd edition with the 2024 list of the Most Trusted brands in the UK, as 100% voted on by UK Shoppers. The winning brands were determined in the BrandSpark International UK Trust Study through a consumer survey, aggregating the opinions of 13,823 recent category shoppers who provided 86,736 top-of-mind unaided responses on which brands they trust most. BrandSpark has been measuring trust for 11 years, with robust studies in the United States and Canada. Continue reading


What happens to your liver when you quit alcohol

Ashwin Dhanda, University of Plymouth

According to Greek mythology, Zeus punished Prometheus for giving fire to humans. He chained Prometheus up and set an eagle to feast on his liver. Each night, the liver grew back and each day, the eagle returned for his feast. In reality, can a liver really grow back? Continue reading


The culture of begging. why do people resort to humiliation when there options for self respect?

Jan. 16, 2024 /Human Interest/ —  It’s important to remember that resorting to begging is rarely done out of a desire for humiliation. It’s usually a complex situation driven by desperation and a lack of viable alternatives. Here are some factors to consider: Continue reading


Zambia and Gambia explained

Jan. 16, 2024 /Human Interest/ — Zambia and Gambia, despite their similar-sounding names, are quite different countries in Southern and West Africa, respectively. Here’s a breakdown of their key differences: Continue reading


What is the difference between the jews and Israel state?

Jan. 8, 2024 /Human interest/ — Jews have a long history of advocating for human rights around the world, including in the US Civil Rights movement and against apartheid in South Africa. This commitment stems from both religious and ethical principles within Judaism that emphasize justice, equality, and compassion for all. Continue reading


Why is South Africa Calling out Israel?

Jan. 15, 2024 /Politics/ — The comparison of Israel to the former apartheid regime in South Africa is a complex and sensitive issue with no easy answer. Both situations involved racial and ethnic tensions, but there are also significant differences in historical context, legal frameworks, and political dynamics. Continue reading


Zambia is the most peaceful country in Africa.

Sept. 15, 2023 /World / — Zambia has experienced internal conflicts including rebellions and uprisings, it has not experienced a full-blown civil war comparable to those seen in several other African nations. Continue reading


Beyond the Minerals: Uncovering the Vibrant Tapestry of DR Congo and Zambia

Sept. 15, 2023 /Economy/ — While the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Zambia are indeed known for their mineral wealth, particularly copper and cobalt, their identities extend far beyond these resources. Let’s dive deeper into the rich tapestry of these fascinating African nations: Continue reading


Here’s why it’s called AFCON 2023 even though it’s being played in January 2024

The official name of the tournament is indeed the “2023 Africa Cup of Nations,” even though it’s being played in January 2024. While the name may seem confusing at first, it reflects the complex logistical considerations behind running a major sporting event. Here’s why: Continue reading