Jason’s Lyric is a 1994 American erotic romantic psychological drama film, written by Bobby Smith Jr., directed by Doug McHenry, who co-produced the film with George Jackson and Marilla Lane Ross, and starring Allen Payne, Jada Pinkett, Bokeem Woodbine, Treach, Eddie Griffin, Lahmard Tate, Lisa Nicole Carson, and Forest Whitaker. Set in Third Ward, Houston, Texas, the story is about two mentally scarred brothers who choose different paths in dealing with their tragic childhood. Continue reading
Jason’s lyric the movie
FilmsActors, Allen Payne, Bobby Smith Jr., Bokeem Woodbine, Doug McHenry, Eddie Griffin, Films, George Jackson, Houston, JADA, Jada Pinkett, Jada Pinkett Smith, Jason Allen Payne, Jason Lyric, Jason's Lyric, Joshua Alexander, Lahmard Tate, Lisa Nicole Carson, Marilla Lane Ross, Pinkett, Smith family, Treach, Whitakeradmin