Tag Archives: Dementia


Playing a musical instrument or singing in a choir may boost your brain – new study

Michael Hornberger, University of East Anglia

Generations of parents have told their children to practice their musical instruments. Parents have good reason to keep on top of their children’s musical education, since learning an instrument is not only associated with better educational attainment but also cognition (thinking) and even intelligence scores in children. But does this musicality translate to better cognition later in life?

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New Alzheimer’s drugs don’t deserve the hype – here’s why

Sebastian Walsh, University of Cambridge

A prominent childhood memory is of my grandparents living with and then dying from dementia. As is universal with dementia, there was a double blow: watching my grandparents lose their identity and seeing the suffering of those closest to them.

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Ways to keep your brain in top form as you age

April 26, 2023 /Lifestyle/ — The most important changes in cognition with normal aging are declines in performance on cognitive tasks that require one to quickly process or transform information to make a decision, including measures of speed of processing, working memory, and executive cognitive function.

However, not all thinking abilities decline with age. In fact, vocabulary, reading and verbal reasoning remain unchanged or even improve during the aging process.

There are many lifestyle choices that can help to maintain cognitive function as we age. Some of the most important include: Continue reading


This Week in Health News: Top Stories You Need to See

NEW YORK, April 14, 2023 /Health/– Here are some of the top health news stories from this week:

New COVID-19 variant BA.2 spreads rapidly in Europe and the US
US Supreme Court to hear case on abortion rights
WHO reports more than 1 million deaths from COVID-19
New study finds that obesity can increase risk of dementia
Researchers develop new drug that could treat Alzheimer’s disease
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