Tag Archives: Exorcists


Why is Jesus often depicted with a six-pack? The muscular messiah reflects Christian values of masculinity

Chris Greenough, Edge Hill University

Have you ever wondered why so many images depicting the crucifixion show Jesus with a very defined, slender and toned body? Either slim, but with a six-pack, or displaying muscles and brawn. While these images are hardly a reflection of what little can be surmised about the historical Jesus, they certainly reflect social and cultural ideas about masculinity and idealised notions of manhood.

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Christians believe that Jesus is the way

July 5, 2023 /Lifestyle/ — Whether or not Jesus is the way is a question that has been debated by Christians for centuries. There is no one definitive answer, as it ultimately comes down to a matter of faith. However, there are a number of reasons why Christians believe that Jesus is the way. Continue reading