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Five things research can teach us about having better sex, according to a sex therapist

Chantal Gautier, University of Westminster

Sex can be wonderful, but it can also be tricky. Science may be the furthest thing from your mind when you’re getting intimate with someone. But actually, there’s a lot we can learn from science when it comes to sex.

The science of sex is a broad field of research that encompasses many aspects of human sexuality, from physiology to the psychological and social factors that influence sexual behaviour.

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The International Gas Union (IGU) in partnership with Hawilti Ltd. released an important new study on Gas for Africa, assessing the potential for domestic gas resources to energise Africa in line with the global energy transition. The African Energy Commission (AU-AFREC) and the Africa Finance Corporation endorse the report and its findings. Continue reading

14Feb/23 Awarded Three New U.S. Patents for Wound-Image Technology, the global leader in transforming the smartphone camera into a medical device, announced today that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has awarded the company three patents for the technology behind its Minuteful Wound app. The app enables nurses and healthcare assistants to scan chronic wounds using a standard smartphone camera, with the simple process of shooting an ordinary five-second video. Following this scan, the app runs a set of computer-vision and deep-learning algorithms to analyze the data and translate it into clinical outputs. These include a 3D reconstruction of the wound area, a breakdown of the state of the tissues, and the exact size of the wound. Continue reading


Study Reveals How CBD Counters Epileptic Seizures

A study reveals a previously unknown way in which cannabidiol (CBD), a substance found in cannabis, reduces seizures in treatment-resistant forms of pediatric epilepsy.

Led by researchers at NYU Grossman School of Medicine, the new study found that CBD blocked signals carried by a molecule called lysophosphatidylinositol (LPI). Found in brain cells called neurons, LPI is thought to amplify nerve signals as part of normal function, but can be hijacked by disease to promote seizures. Continue reading


Psychopaths: why they’ve thrived through evolutionary history – and how that may change

Jonathan R Goodman, University of Cambridge

When you start to notice them, psychopaths seem to be everywhere. This is especially true of people in powerful places. By one estimate, as many as 20% of business leaders have “clinically relevant levels” of psychopathic tendencies – despite the fact as little as 1% of the general population are considered psychopaths. Psychopaths are characterised by shallow emotions, a lack of empathy, immorality, anti-social behaviour and, importantly, deceptiveness.

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Burt Bacharach created music for all the ways men fall in love

Stephen Downes, Royal Holloway University of London

American composer Burt Bacharach, who has died at the age of 94, is arguably one the greatest songwriters of all time. With hits going back to the 1950s, Bacharach continued working until the age of 92.

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Faeces, urine and sweat – just how gross are hot tubs? A microbiologist explains

Primrose Freestone, University of Leicester

For many centuries we have bathed in communal waters. Sometimes for cleanliness but more often for pleasure. Indeed, in ancient Greece, baths were taken in freshwater, or sometimes the sea – which was thought of as a sacred place dedicated to local gods and so was considered an act of worship.

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Bard, Bing and Baidu: how big tech’s AI race will transform search – and all of computing

Toby Walsh, UNSW Sydney

Today, if you want to find a good moving company, you might ask your favourite search engine – Google, Bing, or DuckDuckGo perhaps – for some advice.

After wading past half a page of adverts, you get a load of links to articles on moving companies. You click on one of the links and finally read about how to pick a good ’un. But not for much longer.

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London Fashion Week – Digital Fashion Innovation


Digital fashion is having a significant impact on the traditional fashion industry. By creating clothing and accessories using pixels instead of fabric, digital fashion is blurring the lines between the physical and virtual worlds. Continue reading


Corona Sunsets Festival World Tour Makes Sunset the Headline Act

Today, Corona, an AB InBev global brand, announced the 2023 Corona Sunsets Festival World Tour, a series of experiential festivals dedicated to connecting people with nature by celebrating the sunset. The festivals will feature experiences inspired by the magical qualities of the sunset.Continue reading