Category Archives: Science


Higgs boson: ten years after its discovery, why this particle could unlock new physics beyond the standard model

Martin Bauer, Durham University and Stephen Jones, Durham University

Ten years ago, scientists announced the discovery of the Higgs boson, which helps explain why elementary particles (the smallest building blocks of nature) have mass. For particle physicists, this was the end of a decades-long and hugely difficult journey – and arguably the most important result in the history of the field. But this end also marked the beginning of a new era of experimental physics.

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Evolutionary tree of life: modern science is showing how we got so much wrong

Matthew Wills, University of Bath

If you look different to your close relatives, you may have felt separate from your family. As a child, during particularly stormy fall outs you might have even hoped it was a sign that you were adopted.

As our new research shows, appearances can be deceptive when it comes to family. New DNA technology is shaking up the family trees of many plants and animals.

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