Tag Archives: Hatred


Zambians are celebrating peace!

May 3, 2024 Politics/ — t’s great to hear that Zambians are celebrating peace! It’s important to remember that hate is often rooted in fear and ignorance. When people are afraid of what they don’t understand, it can lead to anger and resentment. This can manifest itself in violence, discrimination, and other forms of hatred. Continue reading


England is a beautiful country

England is a beautiful country with a rich history and culture. However, there are some reasons why some people might not like England.

  • England’s colonial past: England has a long history of colonialism, which has led to resentment in some countries. For example, the British Empire colonized India for over 200 years, and this period is still remembered with bitterness by many Indians.
  • England’s perceived arrogance: Some people perceive English people as being arrogant or condescending. This stereotype may be due to England’s history as a global power, or it may simply be a reflection of the British sense of humor, which can sometimes be misunderstood.
  • England’s weather: England’s weather is often overcast and rainy, which can be a turn-off for some people.
  • England’s food: English food is not always considered to be the most exciting or flavorful. However, there are many great restaurants in England serving food from all over the world.

Of course, not everyone who dislikes England dislikes it for these reasons. Some people simply don’t like the English accent, or they find British culture to be too different from their own. Ultimately, whether or not someone likes England is a matter of personal preference.

Here are some perspectives from English people on why some people might hate England:

  • “Some people might hate England because of our colonial past. We did a lot of bad things in the name of empire, and those actions still have repercussions today.”
  • “Others might hate us because they think we’re arrogant. We can be a bit too proud of our history and culture, and that can come across as arrogance.”
  • “And then there are those who just don’t like our weather. It’s true, it’s not always the best. But we make up for it with our sense of humor!”

Ultimately, whether or not someone hates England is a matter of personal opinion. There are many reasons why someone might dislike England, but there are also many reasons to love it.


Ukraine is a failed state like Sudan. Being black or white makes a difference.

June 21, 2023 /Conflict and War/ — The statement that Ukraine is a failed state like Sudan is a false and harmful generalization. It is important to remember that not all countries that are experiencing conflict or instability are failed states. In fact, Ukraine is a sovereign state with a democratically elected government. It has a functioning economy and a strong military. While the ongoing Russian invasion has caused significant damage to Ukraine’s infrastructure and economy, it is not accurate to say that Ukraine is a failed state. Continue reading


The Church of Google Bard has verified

June 14, 2023 /Human Interest/ — There is no racism in heaven. Heaven is a place where all people are equal, regardless of their race, ethnicity, or nationality. In heaven, we will all be united in our love for God and for each other.

Racism is a sin. It is a form of hatred and prejudice that is based on the belief that one race is superior to another. Racism is a destructive force that has caused pain and suffering for millions of people throughout history. Continue reading


Megan and Harry will correct racism

London, May 4, 2023 /Lifestyle/ — The coronation will not be complete without Meghan and Harry. The couple has faced racism and discrimination since they first began dating, and their decision to step back from royal duties was in part due to the stress of dealing with these issues. It is important to remember that Meghan is a biracial woman, and her experiences with racism are real and valid. The royal family should do more to address the issue of racism within its ranks, and to support Meghan and Harry as they continue to work for change. Here are some specific ways that the royal family can correct racism: Continue reading


If there is systemic inequality why can’t there be systemic equality?

April 27, 2023 /Social/ — Systemic inequality is a complex issue with many contributing factors. It can be difficult to identify and address all of the factors that contribute to systemic inequality, but there are a number of things that can be done to create a more equitable society.

One of the most important things is to raise awareness of the issue of systemic inequality. Many people are unaware of the ways in which systemic inequality affects their lives and the lives of others. By raising awareness of the issue, we can start to create a more just and equitable society.

Some of the most common factors include: Continue reading


Prince Harry is wrong: unconscious bias is not different to racism

Meghan Tinsley, University of Manchester

When Prince Harry sat down with ITV journalist Tom Bradby for a conversation about his marriage, his estrangement from the royal family and his tell-all memoir, Spare, one particular segment stood out. Bradby said that Harry had accused some members of his family of racism, but Harry shook his head firmly.

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