Tag Archives: Psychological stress


Mental health consequences of relentless money pursuit

Jan. 22, 2024 /Healthcare/ — There can be a significant link between the pursuit of money at any cost and mental illness. Here are some ways of this connection: Continue reading


Ways to keep your brain in top form as you age

April 26, 2023 /Lifestyle/ — The most important changes in cognition with normal aging are declines in performance on cognitive tasks that require one to quickly process or transform information to make a decision, including measures of speed of processing, working memory, and executive cognitive function.

However, not all thinking abilities decline with age. In fact, vocabulary, reading and verbal reasoning remain unchanged or even improve during the aging process.

There are many lifestyle choices that can help to maintain cognitive function as we age. Some of the most important include: Continue reading


Seven tips for finding happiness at work

Cary Cooper, University of Manchester

Work, it’s something most of us do though it isn’t always enjoyable. Whether it’s long hours, gruelling tasks or just the repetitive nature of a day-to-day routine, work can sometimes be something we have to do rather than something we want to do.

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Bad hangovers? Why genetics, personality and coping mechanisms can make a difference

Craig Gunn, University of Bristol

After a good night out you may not be surprised when you wake up feeling rough the next morning. But what may surprise you is if your friends aren’t feeling the same way. Some may feel worse, some better and some (if they’re lucky) may not feel any of the negative consequences at all.

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