
Giorgia Meloni and the return of fascism: how Italy got here

George Newth, University of Bath

The rise of far-right politician Giorgia Meloni has left many outside Italy asking how her brand of what many argue is fascism can achieve such prominence in a country that has experienced life under the dictatorship of Benito Mussolini. The answer can be traced back to a recent normalisation of reactionary politics.

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To reach net zero the world still needs mining. After 26 years, here’s what I’ve learned about this ‘evil’ industry

Bridget Storrie, UCL

On the wooded hill above the Stan Terg lead and zinc mine in Kosovo, there is an old concrete diving platform looming over what was once an open-air swimming pool. Before the break-up of Yugoslavia, people who worked at the mine would bring their families here to swim, sunbathe on the wide terrace with its view across the valley, and picnic among the trees. Now the pool is slowly disappearing into the forest, the view obscured by birch saplings.

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Huawei’s Smart Urban Rail Network Solution Is Unveiled at InnoTrans 2022

InnoTrans 2022 took place from September 20 to 23 in Berlin, Germany. At this conference, Huawei demonstrated its innovative applications, practices, and achievements in smart rail construction and development. In the ” Digitalization of Rail Infrastructure ” exhibition area, Huawei showcased extensive smart urban rail solutions, including Wi-Fi 6 train-to-ground communications network, smart station, and smart inspection solutions. Continue road


Mini budget 2022: experts react to the new UK government’s spending and tax-cut plans

Phil Tomlinson, University of Bath; Andrew Burlinson, University of East Anglia; Catherine Waddams, University of East Anglia; Donald Hirsch, Loughborough University; Jean-Philippe Serbera, Sheffield Hallam University; Jim Watson, UCL; Jonquil Lowe, The Open University, and Steven McCabe, Birmingham City University

UK chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng has just launched the biggest package of tax cuts in half a century. This will involve around £45bn of reductions for people and businesses by 2027 – 50% more than anticipated before the mini-budget announcement.

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Mini budget: will Kwasi Kwarteng’s plan deliver growth?

Steve Schifferes, City, University of London

The UK economy has been dogged by slow growth for a long time. Combined with even slower growth in productivity, it has meant virtually no increase in living standards for the average family over the past decade.

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Women sacrifice their health to shield families from spiking costs

  • Rising inflation is widening gender gaps, say charities
  • Women report skipping medical care to feed families
  • Campaigners sound alarm over government austerity measures

By Nita Bhalla

NAIROBI, Sept 22 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – When the pain started in Agnes Wachira’s chest almost six months ago, the Kenyan mother-of-three dismissed it as a symptom of the daily grind of working long hours hand-washing clothes in the narrow lanes of Nairobi’s Kawangware informal settlement.
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Here’s the real reason to turn on aeroplane mode when you fly

Doug Drury, CQUniversity Australia

We all know the routine by heart: “Please ensure your seats are in the upright position, tray tables stowed, window shades are up, laptops are stored in the overhead bins and electronic devices are set to flight mode”.

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Rise Start-Up Academy Opens Applications to FinTech Experts

Rise, created by Barclays – a global community of the world’s top innovators working together to create the future of financial services – has opened applications for the next cohort of the Rise Start-Up Academy. The theme for this cohort is specifically focused on supporting budding founders who find themselves out of their FinTech jobs due to the current economic climate. Continue reading