Tag Archives: Branches of philosophy


What is Chain-of-Thought Prompting?

June 7, 2023 /Technology/ — Chain-of-thought (CoT) prompting is a method for improving the performance of large language models (LLMs) on reasoning tasks. CoT prompts encourage LLMs to explain their reasoning process by providing them with a few examples of how to do so.

CoT prompting was first introduced in the paper “Chain-of-Thought Prompting Elicits Reasoning in Large Language Models” by Wei et al. (2022). In this paper, the authors showed that CoT prompting can significantly improve the performance of LLMs on a range of reasoning tasks, including arithmetic, commonsense, and symbolic reasoning. Continue reading


The alcoholic said that he wanted to stop drinking

The phrase “some people cannot stop nothing” is a colloquialism that means that some people are unable to control or prevent things from happening. It is often used to describe people who are impulsive, reckless, or irresponsible. For example, someone might say “some people cannot stop nothing” to describe a person who is always getting into trouble or who is unable to keep their commitments. Continue reading


Why critical thinking an important skill in the age of AI.

April 29, 2023 /Business/ — It will require critical thinking and systems thinking to get the most out of AI tools. Being a Prompt Engineer will become a great skill to have in your toolbox. Prompt engineers simply need a decent level of language and grammar skills, data analysis, and critical thinking.

Prompted Critical thinking is the key. AI generators are not designed to assess the veracity of text they input and output. Nor are they intended to use any sort of critical thinking, which is why jobs that require critical thinking are not about to be replaced by Generative AI.

You don’t need to memorize – it’s time to focus on real-life skills, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence. The critical thinking required to enter a prompt and use AI tools effectively is worth training for – not the memorization of information. Continue reading


Unlike with academics and reporters, you can’t check when ChatGPT’s telling the truth

Blayne Haggart, Brock University

Of all the reactions elicited by ChatGPT, the chatbot from the American for-profit company OpenAI that produces grammatically correct responses to natural-language queries, few have matched those of educators and academics.

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Do we have free will – and do we want it? Thomas the Tank Engine offers clues

Matyáš Moravec, University of St Andrews

Are we free or are our actions determined by the laws of physics? And how much free will do we actually want? These questions have troubled philosophers for millennia – and there are still no perfect answers.

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