Tag Archives: Loneliness


How loneliness changes the way our brains process the world

Robin Kramer, University of Lincoln

If there’s one thing we as humans seem to have in common, it’s that most of us have felt lonely at one time or another. But is the pain that comes with feeling socially isolated simply a part of being human? Why does the world seem so different when we’re feeling lonely?

Recent research has begun to provide some answers. And it turns out that loneliness can affect your perception and cognition.

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I am not lonely

15 May 2023 /Healthcare/ — If you are not feeling lonely, that is great! However, it is important to remember that loneliness is a normal human emotion. Everyone feels lonely from time to time. If you do start to feel lonely, there are things you can do to cope. You can reach out to friends and family, get involved in activities, or seek professional help.
There are a few reasons why you might not feel lonely. Continue reading


Learn about loneliness and what can be done to solve the loneliness epidemic

NEW YORKMay 12, 2023 /Healthcare/ — Loneliness is a growing problem in the United States. In fact, the Surgeon General has called it an epidemic. Loneliness can have a negative impact on our physical and mental health, and it can even shorten our lifespan.

There are many things we can do to learn about loneliness and what we can do to solve the epidemic. Here are a few ideas: Continue reading


Why do people feel lonely at Christmas? Here’s what the research says

Andrea Wigfield, Sheffield Hallam University and John Ratcliffe, Sheffield Hallam University

Christmas is said to be a time for connecting with friends, family and having fun. But it can also be time of loneliness. Indeed, the results of a 2018 survey looking at loneliness during Christmas time in the UK revealed that 17% of people felt more lonely over the festive period.

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