Tag Archives: Privacy


How to claim your share of Facebook privacy settlement

April 20, 2023 /Legal/ — If you were a Facebook user in the United States between May 2007 and December 2022, you may be eligible to receive a share of a $725 million settlement between Facebook and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). The settlement resolves allegations that Facebook violated the FTC’s privacy law by failing to adequately protect the privacy of its users.
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It is possible that AI training data could be banned by data regulators

April 20, 2023 /Technology/ –It is possible that AI training data could be banned by data regulators like the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The GDPR is a comprehensive privacy law that gives individuals control over their personal data. The law also requires companies to obtain consent from individuals before collecting or using their personal data.

AI training data often contains personal data, such as images, videos, and text. This data can be used to train AI models to perform tasks such as facial recognition, natural language processing, and object detection. However, the collection and use of AI training data can raise privacy concerns. For example, individuals may not be aware that their personal data is being used to train AI models. They may also not be aware of how their personal data is being used or who has access to it.
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AI generated interview with Michael Schumacher

April 19, 2023 /Sports/ — The Schumacher family is likely planning legal action against the German magazine for a number of reasons. First, the interview was published without the family’s consent. Second, the interview is likely to be seen as an invasion of Schumacher’s privacy. Third, the interview could be seen as misleading or fraudulent, as it gives the impression that Schumacher has given an interview when he has not.

The legal implications of this case are still unclear. It is possible that the family could sue the magazine for copyright infringement, invasion of privacy, or fraud. It is also possible that the magazine could be fined or even face criminal charges.
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How does the UK Government’s Data Protection and Digital Information Bill impact the economy?

April 17, 2023 /Technology/ —The UK Government’s Data Protection and Digital Information Bill (DPID Bill) is a piece of legislation that aims to reform the UK’s data protection framework. The Bill is currently being debated in Parliament, and it is expected to be passed into law in 2023.

The DPID Bill has the potential to have a significant impact on the UK economy. On the one hand, the Bill could lead to increased compliance costs for businesses. This is because the Bill introduces a number of new requirements for businesses that process personal data, such as the need to conduct data protection impact assessments and to appoint a data protection officer.
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Kids’ online safety: A fragile balance

By Samuel Woodhams | Digital rights researcher and journalist

Last week, Joe Biden sounded the alarm over the lack of child protections online during his State of the Union address. He called for a ban on the collection of kids’ personal data and the prohibition of targeted advertising to children, saying: “We must finally hold social media companies accountable for the experiment they are running on our children for profit.”
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Video doorbells: security or surveillance?

By Samuel Woodhams | Digital rights researcher and journalist

Video doorbells are everywhere now, sold as a modern security solution that can help protect your home and belongings. They let you greet guests remotely, deter would-be parcel thieves, and could even reduce the cost of your home insurance.
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Surveillance tech is weaponry

By Rand Hammoud, Surveillance Campaigner, Access Now

Surveillance technology is weaponry – it targets, tracks, invades, and decimates – and its unbridled use is a far-reaching, destructive violation of human rights. It is an assault rifle in the sustained global offensive on civic space, and we need a global moratorium on its export, sale, transfer, servicing, and use. Continue reading


We’ve had the backlash against Big Tech. Now what?

David Carroll
Published: September 29, 2022 | Parsons School of Design

David Carroll is an associate professor of media design at Parsons School of Design at The New School in New York.

Thomson Reuters Foundation — On Sept. 13 an employee of Boston’s Northeastern University was injured when a package delivered to a virtual reality research lab exploded in his hands. Like a scene from a futuristic thriller, a note accompanying the bomb accused the lab of secretly working for Facebook and Meta founder Mark Zuckerberg in a plot to take over society through virtual reality. Continue reading