Tag Archives: Security


The Top 2024 Cybersecurity Priorities for UK CISOs and Security Leaders Revealed in Report by Info-Tech Research Group

Info-Tech’s Security Priorities 2024 report delves into the pressing issues that UK IT and security leaders must prioritise over the coming year, including the cybersecurity talent shortage, the rise of AI-driven threats, the integration of security risks with business risks, the adoption of zero-trust frameworks, and the increasing significance of automating security operations. The global IT research and advisory firm explains in the report that by addressing these priorities, organisations can better prepare themselves to face the evolving threat landscape. Read more


My password being

July 17, 2023 /Developer/ — The joke about your password being is that it is a security hole. This is because a password that is all zeros is very easy to guess, and therefore not very secure. The joke is a play on words, as a “security hole” is also a term used to describe a vulnerability in a computer system that can be exploited by hackers. Continue reading


World’s biggest cyber attack on European banks.

June 16, 2023 /Security/ — Three hacker groups, Killnet, Anonymous Sudan, and REvil, have reportedly teamed up to launch a “world’s biggest cyber attack” on European banks. The groups have released a video warning of the attack, which they say will target SWIFT, the international payments system.

KillNet is a pro-Russian hacking group that has been active since 2022. The group has claimed responsibility for a number of cyberattacks, including attacks on Ukrainian government websites and infrastructure. Continue reading


If code could be generated, why can’t it generate security controls?

April 30, 2023 /Technology/ — As generative AI continues to develop, it is likely that we will see even more innovative and effective ways to use this technology to protect our data and our systems. By creating predictive models, generating simulated environments, and analyzing large volumes of data, generative AI can help identify and respond to threats before they cause damage. Generative AI has enormous potential to transform cybersecurity, including cloud, device, and even home security systems. Continue reading


Snooping on campaigners

By Kim Harrisberg | South Africa correspondent

From phishing traps to arrests based on their social media posts alone, activists from Russia to Uganda say they’re increasingly being watched for their online campaigning.
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Digital welfare dystopia

By Samuel Woodhams | Digital rights researcher and journalist

Algorithms to determine welfare payments and detect fraud are becoming standard practice around the world. From Manchester to Melbourne, peoples’ lives are being shaped by secretive tools that determine who is eligible for what, and how much debt is owed.

Although the technology has been around for some time, the outbreak of COVID-19 renewed enthusiasm for the digital welfare state and, for thousands of cash-strapped public bodies, the promise of increased efficiency and lower costs has proven irresistible.
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SecurityGen identifies the cybersecurity priorities for mobile operators in 2023

SecurityGen, the award-winning global provider of security solutions and services for the telecoms industry, today announced its cybersecurity priorities for telecom operators in 2023. Continue reading


How to spot a cyberbot – five tips to keep your device safe

How to spot a cyberbot – five tips to keep your device safe

Malware is designed to hide in your device
Jaiz Anuar/Shutterstock

Adrian Winckles, Anglia Ruskin University and Andrew Moore, Anglia Ruskin University

You may know nothing about it, but your phone – or your laptop or tablet – could be taken over by someone else who has found their way in through a back door. They could have infected your device with malware to make it a “bot” or a “zombie” and be using it – perhaps with hundreds of other unwitting victims’ phones – to launch a cyberattack.

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Avast 2023 Predictions Highlight Increased Risk for Detrimental Damage Caused by Ransomware Gangs

Avast, a leading global digital security and privacy consumer brand by Gen™ (NASDAQ: GEN), anticipates an increased risk of ransomware attacks in 2023 threatening to leak people’s and businesses’ valuable data if ransom demands aren’t paid. Additionally, Avast researchers foresee optimization of social engineering used in scam attacks, taking advantage of economic hardships and energy crisis fears. The experts also expect increased malicious activity overall, as open-source malware becomes more accessible, and cybergangs recruit hacktivists to join their causes. Continue reading


Gangs, drill music, and police databases

The Met has overhauled its ‘Gangs Violence Matrix’ database following a legal challenge by human rights organisation, Liberty. The tool is used by the police force to identify and monitor people suspected of being involved in gang-related crime.
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