Tag Archives: United Kingdom


Was The UK AI summit held at at Bletchley Park museum a recruitment for next generation of government agents?

November 2, 2023 — The UK AI Summit held at Bletchley Park Museum was not specifically a recruitment event for the next generation of government agents. However, it is likely that some of the attendees were interested in working for the government in some capacity, and it is possible that the government was looking to identify potential talent. Continue reading


Government urges jobseekers to consider careers in “booming” beauty industry

This week marks British Beauty Week (26th – 30th October) which highlights Britain’s thriving and influential beauty brands.

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) is using the celebration to call on jobseekers to consider one of the range of roles and fields the sector offers as their next career move, with over 4,000 vacancies live on the Government’s Find a Job portal. This includes beautician, merchandiser and lecturer roles, and other fulfilling positions to suit different levels of experience. Continue reading


Sir Anthony Seldon Launches AI in Education – Britain’s First School-Led Initiative To Harness AI For The Benefit of All Learners

AI in Education is Britain’s first, and a globally pioneering, cross-sector body committed to ensuring AI benefits everyone involved in education – from students (especially the most vulnerable), teachers and governors to parents and the wider society. Continue reading


Exporting surveillance to Africa

By Kim Harrisberg | South Africa correspondent

Privacy experts are calling for citizens to be protected from growing surveillance in Africa, following a new report by the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) and the African Digital Rights Network (ADRN).

Their report, “Mapping the supply of surveillance technologies to Africa” focuses on Nigeria, Ghana, Morocco, Malawi and Zambia importing surveillance tech from countries including the U.S., Britain, China, Israel as well as the EU amounting to more than $1bn every year. Continue reading


Are NFTs really dead and buried? All signs point to ‘yes’

John Hawkins, University of Canberra

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are in dire straits. With the market in a severe downturn, it’s safe to assume the NFT bubble has well and truly burst.

It was never clear why these digital collectables traded for such large amounts of money. Now they mostly do not. What’s behind their turn of fate? And is there any hope for their future?

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Is this a carrot and stick?

Oct. 2, 2023 /Economy/ — The UK Chancellor’s decision to raise the minimum wage and impose sanctions on people claiming state benefits who refuse to take available jobs can be seen as a carrot and stick approach.

The carrot is the increase in the minimum wage. This will give low-paid workers more money to spend, which will boost the economy and help people to afford basic necessities. The stick is the sanctions that will be imposed on people who refuse to take available jobs. These sanctions could include a reduction in benefits, or even a complete loss of benefits. Continue reading