Tag Archives: Advertising


Balenciaga’s controversial new campaign and the long history of ‘shockvertising’

Carl W Jones, University of Westminster

Kim Kardashian is refining her personal brand. Right-wing news outlet Fox TV is gaining viewers through attention-grabbing headlines. Photographer Gabriele Galimberti is gaining notoriety. All this is due to a recent advertising campaign from leading global fashion brand Balenciaga that has caused widespread controversy.

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The ads are watching you

By Samuel Woodhams | Digital rights researcher and journalist

Targeted online advertisements are impossible to ignore. Ads based on our browsing history, geolocation, and personal information appear constantly on our social media feeds, news articles, and streaming platforms. As the authors of a new report on the advertising surveillance industry put it: “Targeted advertising is unavoidable for anyone who owns a smartphone or goes online.”
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New in Peach: Send ads to Netflix

Peach, the global market leader in video advertising workflow and delivery has announced support of Netflix’s new ad-supported service Basic with Ads.

To coincide with the launch of the service, Peach has launched new destinations enabling clients to deliver ads to Netflix across multiple territories including UK, Australia, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Mexico, Brazil with more to follow. Peach provides a connected advertising workflow, enabling clients to get their ads delivered to Netflix straight from the edit suite, while ensuring the highest possible quality, formatting and accuracy. Continue reading