Tag Archives: Large language models


YouTube: AI’s new training school

By Avi Asher-Schapiro | U.S. Tech Correspondent

A new report from the tech investigation website Proof News found that some of the biggest companies in the world – including Apple, Amazon, and Salesforce – have been training their AI on YouTube videos without permission from the content creators. Continue reading


OpenAI’s content deal with the FT is an attempt to avoid more legal challenges – and an ‘AI data apocalypse’

Mike Cook, King’s College London

OpenAI’s new “strategic partnership” and licensing agreement with the Financial Times (FT) follows similar deals between the US tech company and publishers such as Associated Press, German media giant Axel Springer and French newspaper Le Monde.

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2024: Elections, AI and disinformation

By Adam Smith | Tech correspondent

21 Dec 2013 /Thomson Reuters Foundation/ —  2024 is set to be a record-breaking year for elections, with voters in more than 50 countries heading to the polls including the United States, India and Mexico. Continue reading


Why was Sam Altman’s sacked from OpenAI and what does all this mean for the AI race?

Nov. 20, 2023 /Technology/ — Sam Altman was fired as CEO of OpenAI on November 17, 2023, for allegedly not being “consistently candid in his communications with the board.” The company did not provide any specific details about the allegations, but said that Altman’s behavior was “hindering its ability to exercise its responsibilities.”

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Cinematic Laboratory Unveils ‘War of the Worlds 2023 AI’ Concept Music Album: Unleashing the Power of AI in the Narrative Music Style.

Welcome to the immersive musical world of modular artist Cinematic Laboratory as the Lab unveils its latest sonic endeavor, “War of the Worlds 2023 AI”. The album showcases a fusion of an audio comic with music, 3D field recordings, cutting-edge AI text-to-speech dialogs and Chat GPT ghostwriting. By combining handmade sounds, real analog voltage, and digital magic, Cinematic Laboratory is stretching the boundaries of 21st century ‘bedroom’ music production. Continue reading