Category Archives: Uncategorized


YouTube: AI’s new training school

By Avi Asher-Schapiro | U.S. Tech Correspondent

A new report from the tech investigation website Proof News found that some of the biggest companies in the world – including Apple, Amazon, and Salesforce – have been training their AI on YouTube videos without permission from the content creators. Continue reading


Bethlehem, a small town in the Judean Hills

Nov. 22, 2023 /Human Interest/ — Bethlehem is significant to Christians because it is the birthplace of Jesus, whom Christians believe is the Son of God and the Savior of the world. Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem is seen as the fulfillment of a prophecy in the Old Testament book of Micah, which states that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem. Continue reading


Why was Sam Altman’s sacked from OpenAI and what does all this mean for the AI race?

Nov. 20, 2023 /Technology/ — Sam Altman was fired as CEO of OpenAI on November 17, 2023, for allegedly not being “consistently candid in his communications with the board.” The company did not provide any specific details about the allegations, but said that Altman’s behavior was “hindering its ability to exercise its responsibilities.”

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Is the beef between Zambia and Zimbabwe caused by HH

 Aug. 31, 2023 /Politics/ — There is no known beef between Zambia and Zimbabwe election results. The two countries have a long history of cooperation and have jointly worked on a number of regional initiatives. In the 2002 Zimbabwean presidential election, the Zambian government refused to recognize the results, which were won by Robert Mugabe. However, this was due to concerns about the fairness of the election, rather than any beef with Zimbabwe. Continue reading