All posts by admin


Use the difficulty

May 17, 2023 /Lifestyle/ — Michael Caine’s advice to “embrace the difficulty” is a powerful reminder that we can learn and grow from our challenges. When we face difficulties, we have a choice: we can either let them defeat us, or we can use them as an opportunity to become stronger and more resilient. Continue reading


Zambia, Zimbabwe and Malawi is one country

May 17, 2023 /Econonmy/ – If Zambia, Zimbabwe and Malawi became one country again, it would be a major development with far-reaching implications for the region. The new country would have a population of over 70 million people, making it the third most populous country in Africa after Nigeria and Ethiopia. It would also have a land area of over 1 million square kilometers, making it the 13th largest country in Africa. Continue reading


Geopolitical conflicts are escalating due to AI

May 16, 2023 /Technology/ — Geopolitical conflicts are escalating around the world, and there are a number of areas that are experiencing these issues. Some of the most conflict-ridden regions include the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and Africa. Continue reading


Ingrid Nayame

May 16, 2023 /Lifestyle/ — The Coloured Vine is a novel by Ingrid Nayame that tells the story of Chisala Sampa, a young man born in 1934 to a white Catholic priest and a black Zambian woman. Chisala is raised by his mother in a small village, but he is always aware of his mixed heritage. He is treated differently by the other villagers, and he is often the target of prejudice and discrimination. Continue reading


We intend to cause havoc

May 16, 2023 /Technology/ — Zamrock is a genre of rock music that emerged in Zambia in the early 1970s. It is characterized by its fusion of traditional African music with Western rock influences, such as psychedelic rock, funk, and heavy metal. The genre was heavily influenced by the political and social climate of Zambia at the time, which was experiencing a period of rapid modernization and economic growth. Zamrock bands often used their music to express their hopes and dreams for the future, as well as to address social and political issues. Continue reading


Adidas vs Nike and the hip hop community

 May 15, 2023 /Business/ — The rivalry between Adidas and Nike for the hip hop market was a major factor in the iconic status of Air Jordans. In the early 1980s, Adidas was the dominant force in the basketball shoe market, with stars like Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Magic Johnson wearing their shoes. However, Nike signed Michael Jordan in 1984, and the Air Jordan line quickly became popular among young people, particularly in the hip hop community. Continue reading


The alcoholic said that he wanted to stop drinking

The phrase “some people cannot stop nothing” is a colloquialism that means that some people are unable to control or prevent things from happening. It is often used to describe people who are impulsive, reckless, or irresponsible. For example, someone might say “some people cannot stop nothing” to describe a person who is always getting into trouble or who is unable to keep their commitments. Continue reading