Tag Archives: Computational neuroscience


Does AI have a right to free speech? Only if it supports our right to free thought

Simon McCarthy-Jones, Trinity College Dublin

The world has witnessed breathtaking advances in generative artificial intelligence (AI), with ChatGPT being one of the best known examples. To prevent harm and misuse of the technology, politicians are now considering regulating AI. Yet they face an overlooked barrier: AI may have a right to free speech.

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The global survey of what news organisations are doing with artificial intelligence report produced by JournalismAI

Sept. 20, 2023 /Media/– In this comprehensive report,  more than 120 editors, journalists, technologists and mediamakers from 105 organisations across 46 different countries shared their insights and experience on what news organisations are doing with AI. Continue reading


Companies that “wait and see” will be left behind as enterprises see early results due to AI, finds Bain & Company

Seventy-five percent of the more than 570 executives recently surveyed by Bain & Company said AI has already met or exceeded their expectations. According to Bain’s fourth annual Global Technology Report released today, the current generation of AI tools and models could help companies speed up 20% of worker tasks without loss in quality. Continue reading


What problems can AI solve in Africa?

Sept. 17, 2023  — Whether or not AI will save Africa is a complex question with no easy answer. There are many factors to consider, such as the specific ways in which AI is used, the level of infrastructure and development in Africa, and the social and political landscape. Continue reading


TIME Reveals Inaugural TIME100 AI List of the World’s Most Influential People in Artificial Intelligence

NEW YORKSept. 7, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Today, TIME reveals the inaugural TIME100 AI, a new list highlighting the 100 most influential people in artificial intelligence.

The 2023 TIME100 AI issue features a worldwide cover with illustrations by Neil Jamieson for TIME, featuring 28 list-makers including Sam Altman of OpenAI, Dario and Daniela Amodei of Anthropic, Demis Hassabis of Google DeepMind, and more from the new list. Continue reading


Is AI in film inevitable?

June 27, 2023 /Entertainment/ — AI is indeed transforming the film industry in exciting ways, and it is likely to become even more pervasive in the years to come. AI is already being used to generate scripts, create special effects, and even write music. It is also being used to analyze data and make predictions about what audiences will want to see. Continue reading



Cheaters beware: the world’s top virtual real estate metaverse ATLAS: EARTH is leveraging global risk intelligence company SHIELD’s AI-powered Device Intelligence technology to proactively identify and expel fraudulent users from its platform. Continue reading


Are AI-Generated Images Biased?

David Ngure  Cybersecurity Researcher
Updated on 16th March 2023 – Artificial intelligence image generators use machine learning and mathematical algorithms to create images from a description written in natural language. With OpenAI making DALL-E available to the public, and Microsoft adding AI-image generators to products like Bing and Microsoft Edge, the technology is becoming more accessible to the general public.

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Martin Luther had a dream. Is AI what he meant? Just asking

June 8, 2023 /Lifestyle/ —  I’m not sure that Martin Luther King, Jr. had artificial intelligence in mind when he gave his famous “I Have a Dream” speech in 1963. However, it is possible that he could have seen AI as a tool that could be used to help achieve his dream of a more just and equitable society. Continue reading