Category Archives: Human Interest


Why is Jesus often depicted with a six-pack? The muscular messiah reflects Christian values of masculinity

Chris Greenough, Edge Hill University

Have you ever wondered why so many images depicting the crucifixion show Jesus with a very defined, slender and toned body? Either slim, but with a six-pack, or displaying muscles and brawn. While these images are hardly a reflection of what little can be surmised about the historical Jesus, they certainly reflect social and cultural ideas about masculinity and idealised notions of manhood.

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‘Bengali Cockney, Black Cockney, East End Cockney, Essex Cockney, Jewish Cockney, Sylheti Cockney’: why community languages matter

Christopher Strelluf, University of Warwick

In response to a community petition, Tower Hamlets council in east London has designated Cockney as a “community language”. This recognition paves the way for the borough to actively challenge the linguistic discrimination that speakers of “non-standard” English dialects face.

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The leap year is February 29, not December 32 due to a Roman calendar quirk – and fastidious medieval monks

Rebecca Stephenson, University College Dublin

Have you ever wondered why the extra day of the leap year falls on February 29, an odd date in the middle of the year, and not at the end of the year on December 32? There is a simple answer, and a slightly more complex one.

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How AI could change our relationship with religion

Sreevas Sahasranamam, University of Glasgow

Science and faith are often kept in two distinct boxes that hardly ever intersect. However, I believe that as AI becomes more mainstream, it will fundamentally alter our engagement with faith and spirituality.

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The rise of African prophets: the unchecked power of the leaders of Pentecostal churches

Josiah Taru, Rice University

Over the last 20 years there’s been an unprecedented increase in charismatic Pentecostal prophets – or men of God as they’re called in Pentecostal parlance. Across Africa their unchecked influence has spread into social, economic and political institutions.

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Explaining the Concept of Sunday as a Day of Reflection for Christians

Jan. 28, 2024 /Human Interest/ — The concept of Sunday as a day of reflection for Christians can be approached in different ways, depending on the audience and level of detail you want to share. Here are a few options: Continue reading


The culture of begging. why do people resort to humiliation when there options for self respect?

Jan. 16, 2024 /Human Interest/ —  It’s important to remember that resorting to begging is rarely done out of a desire for humiliation. It’s usually a complex situation driven by desperation and a lack of viable alternatives. Here are some factors to consider: Continue reading


Zambia and Gambia explained

Jan. 16, 2024 /Human Interest/ — Zambia and Gambia, despite their similar-sounding names, are quite different countries in Southern and West Africa, respectively. Here’s a breakdown of their key differences: Continue reading


christian soldiers marching on

Dec 10, 2023 —

The quote “Christian soldiers marching on, evil will not succeed” is a powerful statement of faith and hope. It is a reminder that even in the face of adversity, believers can stand strong and united, knowing that God is on their side. The phrase “marching on” suggests that believers are not standing still, but are actively engaged in the fight against evil. This fight may be difficult, but it is ultimately one that will be won.

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Remembering Benjamin Zephaniah: The Poet Who Spoke His Truth