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International advocacy organization Global Citizen today announced the lineups for the 10th anniversary Global Citizen Festival, taking place in New York City’s Central Park, presented by Citi and Cisco, and Black Star Square in Accra, Ghana, presented by Harith General Partners, on Saturday, September 24, 2022. Continue reading


MasterClass Launches Madeleine Albright and Condoleezza Rice’s Class on Diplomacy

MasterClass, the streaming platform where anyone can learn from the world’s best across a wide range of subjects, today announced the launch of a class on diplomacy with two former U.S. secretaries of state—Condoleezza Rice and the late Madeleine Albright. In their class, Albright and Rice provide members with lessons they learned as secretaries of state, including how to build trusted teams, reconcile differences, overcome failed decisions and apply diplomacy in everyday life. Albright and Rice’s class is part of the “MasterClass Presents the White House” series and now available exclusively on MasterClass, where subscribers get unlimited access to all 150+ instructors with an annual membership. Continue reading


Scam loan apps extorting Mexicans thrive in Google Play Store

  • Menacing messages, threats spiral along with debt
  • Legal loophole creates Wild West for lending apps
  • Complaints mount but regulators powerless to act

By Diana Baptista and Avi Asher -Schapiro

MEXICO CITY, Aug 11 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – A week after Pedro Figueroa borrowed 10,000 pesos ($500) from José Cash, a popular Mexican lending app, the barrage of online abuse began.

A slew of WhatsApp messages swamped his phone, threatening harm – to him and his reputation – if he did not pay. Continue reading


Why searching an ex-president’s estate is not easily done – 4 important things to know about the FBI’s search of Mar-a-Lago

Clark D. Cunningham, Georgia State University

The FBI’s raid of former President Donald Trump’s estate on Aug. 8, 2022, caught Trump by surprise – and prompted immediate speculation about exactly why and how the law enforcement agency secured a search warrant.

“My beautiful home, Mar-A-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, is currently under siege, raided, and occupied by a large group of FBI agents. … They even broke into my safe!” Trump said in a statement released through his political action committee, Save America.

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Issey Miyake – a conceptual fashion designer for the many

Noorin Khamisani, University of Portsmouth

Designer Issey Miyake has died aged 84, leaving an indelible mark on the fashion world. He was celebrated for clothing that responded to the body in movement and which was conceptual in design but also completely appropriate for the everyday. His garments were often based on simple geometric shapes made in finely pleated fabrics that resulted in new and unexpected silhouettes.

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Barclays deploys Microsoft Teams globally as its preferred collaboration platform to enable better connectivity for its employees worldwide

On Tuesday, Barclays Bank PLC (Barclays) and Microsoft Corp. announced Barclays has deployed Microsoft Teams as its preferred collaboration platform, powering collaboration for more than 120,000 colleagues and service partners in key locations around the globe. Under the agreement, Barclays is streamlining its existing communications and collaboration solutions, with Teams replacing several point solutions previously in use across the company. Continue reading


Is race an issue for Rishi Sunak? It’s a difficult question for pollsters to investigate but the information we do have is telling

Paul Whiteley, University of Essex

A YouGov poll of party members completed on August 2 shows Rishi Sunak to be trailing Liz Truss 31% to 69% in the Conservative leadership contest. A similar poll completed on July 21 had him on 38% to her 62%. She appears to be winning the contest hands down.

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Kenya election: four ways to better safeguard and defend democracy

Nic Cheeseman, University of Birmingham and Petra Alderman, University of Birmingham

More elections are being held than ever – but the number of questionable polls being held around the world is fuelling fears of a “global democratic recession”, whereby the will of the people is not reflected in the results being announced. Two countries with elections coming up in the next few days and months, where opposition parties or international bodies are worried the process will not be fair, are Kenya, which goes to the polls on August 8, and Brazil, which votes on October 2.

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Monkeypox: an expert explains what gay and bisexual men need to know

Chloe Orkin, Queen Mary University of London

Since early May, more than 23,000 cases of monkeypox have been reported worldwide. This is the largest ever global outbreak of the disease.

Cases have now been reported in 78 countries including the UK, Spain, Germany, France, the US and Brazil. Given the scale of the outbreak, the World Health Organization (WHO) has now declared the current monkeypox epidemic a global health emergency.

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